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Visualizer upgrade does not build for ios

I'm generating ios binaries, using xcodebuild, previously(using kony 8.2.37) was working fine but since this last upgrade to 8.4 I couldn't build:

Archive code:

xcodebuild archive -scheme KProtected -configuration Protected -project VMAppWithKonylib.xcodeproj 'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Distribution: My Company, Inc.''CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual'PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=myCompanyQA PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.mycompany.mycompanyQA -archivePath ~/Documents

It throws with:
Buildsystem informationerror:KonyJSdoes notsupport provisioning profiles.KonyJSdoes notsupport provisioning profiles,but provisioning profile mycompanyQA has been manually specified.Setthe provisioning profile value to "Automatic"inthe build settings editor.(intarget 'KonyJS') Buildsystem informationerror:NFILoaderdoes notsupport provisioning profiles.NFILoaderdoes notsupport provisioning profiles,but provisioning profile mycompanyQA has been manually specified.Setthe provisioning profile value to "Automatic"inthe build settings editor.(intarget 'NFILoader')
Buildsystem informationwarning:Traditionalheadermap style isnolonger supported;please migrate to usingseparate headermaps andset'ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS'to NO.(intarget 'KProtected')

Kony has introduced this new schema for iOS, and everything for iOS are wrapped into this.
To prevent this issue you need to define the right configuration for IOS, in visualizer > project settings > Native > iPhone/Ipad/Watch
check that everything is fine(with your bundle identifier, protected mode checked, etc)

Make sure that you are using the right plugin (uncompress: 
/Applications/KonyVisualizerEnterprise/Kony_Visualizer_Enterprise/plugins/com.kony.ios_8.XXX.jar) this step is do it just once.

Open the Xcode project and make sure that:

on Protected Target: 
  • Automatically manage signing  -> unchecked
  • Build Settings TAB 
    • Singing
      • Code Signing Identity
        • Distribution -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
        • Any iOS SDK -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
        • Protected -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
        • Any iOS SDK -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
        • Release -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
        • Any iOS SDK -> "iPhone Distribution: yourComponyCertificate"
 this step is do it just once.


build using the xcodebuild but without some parameters:
xcodebuild archive -scheme KProtected -configuration Protected -project VMAppWithKonylib.xcodeproj 'CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual'PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=myCompanyQA -archivePath ~/Documents

please notice that there is no PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER and CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY parameters

now if everything works fine, the next problem is export
use the next command:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist yourPListPath -archivePath ~/Documents -exportPath pathWhereToPlaceTheIpaFile


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